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Queensland - Australia 4118  - 32 Cresthill Ave, Regents Park 4118 Tel: 61 -7 -3800 3773 , Fax: 61 -7- 3800 4895 

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Federal  Court action concluded :
AKANSW Inc. plus 5 Clubs and two Officials - GUILTY of Price Fixing.

This guilty finding by the Court creates a piece new history for the NSW AKA , karting and and its affiliates - it also highlightes the inability of it's Executive to understand right and wrong , its  incompetence to properly inform its member clubs and delegates of the law -and simple understanding of right and wrong-  the penalty - a monetary amount imposed by the court and the legal costs are burdens that all NSW karters will have to bear - plus the misguided belief that AKA insurance will pay for illegal activity to impose all the other States karters to foot the bill with  imminent increase in premiums forever .. further belief that this was a minor issue is plain bulldust and clearly shows the contempt these NSW officials have for everything correct and proper - they must all resign and in particuilar those who hold National positions ..

Court orders can be viewed at the link below ...Supreme Court

email29.gif (14066 bytes) News  on AKA Governance

AKA has issued a dossier on the progress of its Association moving to a best management practice  with a board of board of suitably skilled persons presumably to be drawn from various expressions of interest and having met selected criteria  - the documents released recently give some insight on how the association might look in the near future - you are welcome to the information as this has been distributed to all States offices for distribution to its member karting enthusiasts.

Covering letter >>>>>>    As distributed by the Governance Committee members

Organizational Chart >>>>>  Outlining the flow of authority

Final Constitution >>>>>>  The Constitutionl Document
















Mail - info@rvengines.com

RV Engines Motorsports
P.O Box 897 Browns Plains B.C.
Queensland - Australia 4118  - 32 Cresthill Ave, Regents Park 4118
Tel: 61 -7 -3800 3773 , Fax: 61 -7- 3800 4895
Produced by RV Engines © RV Engines Motorsports