For those who are interested in what best management
practice and what the AKA review is all about, this is a good starting
Details are added as more usefull information is found...
..Constitutions and overviews from a range of sporting bodies are listed below for your
information and assesment ......
Discussion papers and final drafts have been added
and this draws a close on the positing of such information...
A final outcomne is anticipated on the 17th December
for acceptance by the membersto be decided for acceptance at the first General meeting of
the AKA Inc Company.....

More information from 2003 and
the Workshop - posted 10 Nov 2011
1. Coogee record of meeting 19 and
20 July 2003
2. Summary
from Qld representatives at meeting, Graeme Drew and Graeme Hancock
Added today 22 September
in 5 parts from 2007
Explanation :
Part One Comment Forum
Part Two Comment
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five and Conslusion

As Governance and its implementation dialogue
draws to close and accepting a draft constitution to present to the members for acceptance
at the first General Meeting of the AKA Inc.( a new Company Limited by Guarantee) draws
near, it is time to reflect on the notes distributed on the 25 October by the Legal
members of the AKA Governance working party for the Governance (Constitution).
The #7 Draft Constitution also requires acceptance of who will be the voters in the new
organisation. Details on Governance have been displayed on this web site on an
ongoing basis for the past 30 months - nowehere else will you find information of this
quality to assist you with a decision.
Why it needs to be changed ........
and the tools to do it ......!! . to read click here
Consultants report into Equestrian Governance. This is a must read
anyone from NKC through club member interested in how an organisation should
be run. Follow the link ...>>>> Review
Constituion Review - G Hancock (
a must read)
ASX Governance - recommendations !
New Zealand Karting Federation -> Constitution
AKA Karting -> Constitution
Athletics Australia ->Constitution
Volleyball -> Constitution
Powerlifting ->Constitution
Golf Aust - >Overview
Karate -> Structure Chart
Rowing Australia - > Overview
Australian Parachuting Fed ->
Ice Hockey's structure - >Overview
Fencing's Australia ->Model
Orienteering ->
Constitution (click link here for Orienteering Manual)
Flying disc Australia - >
Constitution (Frisbee Assoc)
Canoeing -> Constitution
Squash Aus - > Constitution
CAMS -> Constitution
Australian Sports Commission - Governance

AKA Governance Meeting Details