Still on Governance and best Management practices !!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have heard on the drip that CAMS are now involving themselves in the never ending AKA decable ...some 3 years have elapsed since CAMS did anything when Yvon Leon (the Ex CIK President) was in town ....we have had the Buck Report - the Jones report - DW#3 Addendum   - constitution neglect , and treachery.

Quensland were at the fore front of moving the National body to Governance, to best management practices and to accountability and creditability ...all our efforts have fallen on deaf heads and its a no brainer to understand why.

This week, out of left field CAMS have invited some AKA people to attend a meeting on the 1st October have to ask yourself what rights have CAMS got over AKA a lone incorporated body anyway .??..they might give AKA delgation for Karting  for which they charge  a handsome $30,000 every year I might add .and what they do for that amount completly baffles everyone and yet no one on our National team has bothered to ask - recently the AKA told one of its members that the Australian Motor Sport Appeals Court (AMSAC) is not part of any court system in AKA yet it has dedicated pages in the AKA Manual - so what are our leaders up to ????

We  all know that  CAMS gave  Karting delegation to NSW in 1996 when AKA and NSW split.... but after 12 months CAMS deserted NSW karters and left them to fend for themselves- it now it appears they have summoned the AKA to thier lair in Melbourne when Bathurst might have been more sensible and enjoyable place to thrash out CAMS' percieved authority over the AKA, but you can only do so much I suppose.

We have discovered that NSW and QLD, both strong supporters of Governance and  of ensuring proper installation of the Australian Sporting Institute model of best   managment will not be attending the proposed meeting simply because important questions which required answers have just been ignored by AKA -   in any case QLD have their Annual General Meeting on that date which has been set some time ago .... It will be interesting to see how the minority in attendance will drum up what they want the majority to do .


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