ball_new_flip.gif (7167 bytes)ball_new_flip.gif (7167 bytes)ball_new_flip.gif (7167 bytes)          NZ authorities have attended to the MG matter with diligence as reports here continue to come to hand - the advice and details below should be considred by Australian competitiors using these tyres to ensure safe usage.... read on and well done NZ...

The KartSport New Zealand Executive has announced the lifting of the stand down of MG-FZ tyres with immediate effect.

Considerable research (in the short time available) has been undertaken by KartSport New Zealand. This has included input from overseas ASN’s, CIK-FIA, MG NZ, MG Australia, MG USA, competitors in both Australia and New Zealand  and the manufacturer, MG Industria, Brazil. Following analysis of this input the stand down has been lifted. Competitors are strongly requested to follow the MG NZ recommendations below.
Competitors are reminded of the following recommendation from MG regarding MG-FZ tyres: 

  • To check their tyre pressure gauge is accurate.
  • MG now recommend a minimum of 9 psi (0.62 bar) cold for New Zealand classes and conditions.
  • To fit MG-FZ tyres only to rims manufactured to the CIK-FIA rim specification. Drawing attached. (linked here)
  • To fit tyres using a tyre band/strap and to only use soapy water as a bead lubricant.
  • To not exceed 4 bar (58 psi) when mounting tyres.
  • To ensure the beads on each side of the tyre have fully “popped on”.
  • To check the inside of rims, especially around bead retainer holes, for sharp edges which may damage beads during inflation/deflation.
  • To check regularly the air tightness of fitted bead locks. The bead lock O-rings don’t last forever.
  • That the use of tyre treatment on MG-FZ tyres is not recommended as it may inhibit the integrity of the tyre.
  • To check the manufacturers recommendations regarding fitting and use.

 Competitors are also requested to immediately report any future problems with the MG-FZ tyre to the National Technical Officer and to MG NZ.


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