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Draft # 5
Proposed Constitution

Other Organisations

redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)ASX Governance
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)New Zealand Karting
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Athletics Australia
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Volleyball
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Powerlifting 
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Golf Aust
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Karate
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Rowing Australia
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Australian Parachuting
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Ice Hockey's structure
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Fencing's Australia
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Orienteering
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Flying disc Australia
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Canoeing
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)Squash Aus
redarrow_right.gif (589 bytes)CAMS -> Constitution

governance_where.gif (13812 bytes)

Taking the AKA to best management practices through Governance has come to a dead halt, this I believe has been orchestrated by those who see it as a threat to their current positions and there are also a number of issues that make the impending vote of karters worth absolutely nothing.

It has been nearly two and a half years since some $32,000 dollars was expended for a meeting to decide (at CAMS behest) to proceed to Governance, governance has benefits too, but the AKA is no further advanced with moving to better management practices – several key issues are stumbling blocks but it appears that we are being forced to accept a Constitution document to form a new entity as a Company Limited by guarantee that simply is not in the best interest of the customer and comes up short on a number of key areas.

Of all the States who preside as members only NSW and Qld appear to understand anything and in particular that the voting rights applicable to karters themselves will have absolutely no meaning or carry any weight when 20% of all karters are required to attend a meeting to make a quorum, that the President can hold unlimited proxy votes, none of which will be required or have the capacity on that notice to indicate how the “shareholder license holder” wants his vote to be applied.

There is a board position automatically allocated to a Karting Industry Club, a group that is represented by a minute select industry group when all other board nominees are to meet a management skills based criteria and elected by the “shareholder licensed karters”, how none knows yet !

Moving to best management practices is clearly missing a statement as to why we need to form a new Company when these very principals could be introduced into our current system with little if any additional cost.

There has been no information of what such a migration will cost, nor have the criteria of skill requirements for Board positions been publicly distributed, neither have costs involved in the exercise been announced, or who the members are, or how their votes will be counted and distributed. There are more questions to be answered now than there were 2 years ago….can someone please explain what best management practices mean ?? for a sure as hell is hot, they don’t exist at the moment.

RV Engines Motorsports
P.O Box 897 Browns Plains B.C.
Queensland - Australia 4118  - 32 Cresthill Ave, Regents Park 4118
Tel: 61 -7 -3800 3773 , Fax: 61 -7- 3800 4895
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