Final NKC Meeting of 2005 - report card will follow...

This weekend has another NKC meeting scheduled, the meeting will be of some significance as Constitutional matters for the new AKA will be finalized for adoption at the first meeting of the new entity. The road to governance has cost the AKA karters some $60,000 dollars - as to where it was spent is yet to be looked into , but considering the amounts used we would expect something for the money .

The catalyst for governance was the inability for the AKA officers to manage the affairs of the Association - the TDF fiasco in carpark funding - the Buck report- the CAMS Octoberfest,  handing out Board positions instead of beer - the private expenses - the legal advice spending when common sense was the answer - the judicial interference, and where was best management practice ??? nowehere, ...that was borne out by the failure to work within the AKA's own policy and its constitution -  the need to   involve the Justice Dept to tell the AKA  to do it right, and only when threatened with court action did it happen.

The acceptance of the constitution and its initial movement was to give Karters a vote - as opposed to the "democratic" method of attending club meetings - state meetings and then finding your representative vote for something else. This looked like being hijacked by the small States to give them greater say over the larger states - it is not an option to have just 7 votes determine who gets to be on the board - it needs the karters to make a choice - only then will the "boys club" be busted.

It is important that karters decide who runs this sport - the mates rates days are over - they have to be extinguished or karting will continue on its slide to nowhere. The sport of karting needs to be controlled by the Association and not its outsiders directing it for their own benefit .

This weekend will hopefully mark the start towards that new era - with any luck those that sit there as the National rule makers this weekend will wear a National hat and do what is in the best interest of the sport and not themselves or their mates...!..Lets wait and   see........!  Most of all the paperwork for this meeting is on the AKA Qld site .............. Back next week !

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