![]() ![]() Some of the issues that are applicable to the current State of affairs in the AKA...
Presidential Diatribe as refered in above document..
![]() Just when you think things could not get any worse with the administration of this sport - they do ....! Karters will not believe this, but it has to be told - like it or not , there are just some instances when the pathetic state of affairs must be disclosed... and pathetic it is...read on ... On the 13th March at a General Meeting some Special Resolutions to alter the constitution of the AKA were approved by the Members (States), these resolutions as with all other Special Resolutions that alter the constitution, are required to be lodged formally by the Public Officer of the AKA to the Justice Department Registrations Consumer Affairs of Victoria (CAV) within 28 days of the passing of the Special Resolution and do not become active until approved by that Government Office. That is the Law under the Associations Act (1981). The President of the AKA is tasked with the responsibility of the supervision of the
administration of this sport -- he is responsible for upholding the Constitution of the
AKA - its not a great ask, so when these resolutions, passed on the 13 March 2005, were
not registered in accordance with the Law and the President allowed these resolutions to
take effect without approval of the CAV he failed to uphold the constitution of the AKA. The Justice Dept (CAV) has advised - and we are in receipt of the official documents,
which confirm that the valid and verified correct constitution of the AKA is
dated 1990 and that the last correct entry added to the Association file was
correctly submitted by the then AKA President and signed off as correct by Mr. Robert
Wright the AKA public Officer. It seems the difficulty lies with AKA not knowing the difference between their own General Meeting - an Annual General Meeting - a Special General Meeting and a National Karting Council meeting, and ignoring advice, not wanting to do things correctly, making errors to correct errors, and not doing the right thing to get it right, but now the Law has now been applied and the ramifications throw the whole AKA Constitutional administration into turmoil ...some of the matters that are now pertinent are that the valid constitution as delivered by the Justice Dept (CAV) does not recognize Northern Territory as a member - has no provision for telephone meetings - has no postal voting - has our financial year ending 31st December - does not allow for a position of "Executive Member of any sort - deems those elected to those positions invalid as they do not exist, to name but a few. It is quite clear what is now relevant and whilst blame lies with the head of the AKA its President, it now needs urgent (and within the law) action to fix it ...but even now there are moves to still attempt to evade the proper course that must be taken - will we ever learn from our mistakes ??? Its high time also that the NKC take stock and cast aside their pathetic approach to important AKA matters and find the courage to do what is correct and in accordance with the Law instead of forever castigating those who demand that things be done correctly.! Copies of the valid and current constitution should be available from the National Office, if they wont or can't supply one you can call the Justice Dept (CAV) in Victoria, they listen, and they respond, and they are very pleasant to deal with . All State Presidents should obtain a copy to ensure each of the member States are up to date - Northern Territory should definitely seek to obtain a copy. |
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