The forward thinking State moves to Governance.........

The Queensland Karting Association has adopted a new constitution.

This is the most progressive step that any Karting Association has taken, and is as a result of collated information, proper advisory details, consultation and research over the last 15 months with its member clubs.

At the Annual General Meeting of 2005 (after being tabled at the AGM of 2004) this document was again placed for the member Clubs of Queensland to consider, and has culminated in a resounding adoption to Governance and best Management practices, and brings Qld into line with the Australian Sports Institute model and Government models of Governance.

The acceptance by the State clubs of Qld and their input and that of other knowledgable persons clearly shows that the National organization is way out of step with its own administration in that a similar model has been  floundering at National level for 2 years and has spent some $60,000 of karters National Funds without any benefit to date.

Queenslands efforts cost the karters of Qld  zero dollars ....!

Interference of the ASN (CAMS) in karting administration is in our opinion not doing what is best for karting but appears to be doing only what is best for the CAMS' standing with the FIA following their undertaking to FIA at the FIA Plenery Conference in Paris in 2004 that they would "sort" out karting .

IMG_0703_1.jpg (172748 bytes)
State Club members representatives reviewing reports at the Qld AGM 1st October 2005

It is simply mysterious that a hastily called  CAMS "pivotal" meeting, with selective non transferable "invitations" and without advertised agenda was called by CAMS President Mr. Colin Osborne in Melbourne on the same day as the Qld Association Annual General Meeting, such a CAMS "pivotal" meeting must have had prior AKA National Exec  input and knowledge , and information unknown to its AKA members, anyway more of that possible treachery later !

What needs to be applauded is the move by Queensland to adopt the Australian Sports Commission Governance Model - a simple and effective operation that in due course, as directed by its Council will bring Governance to Qld karters well in advance of the National body without any fuss and with minute costs..........

....onward and forward simple and cost effective !! and with simplicity and above all, without any treachery  ........ !!!

RV Engines Motorsports
P.O Box 897 Browns Plains B.C.
Queensland - Australia 4118  - 32 Cresthill Ave, Regents Park 4118
Tel: 61 -7 -3800 3773 , Fax: 61 -7- 3800 4895
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